Posts in ANXIETY
It's not you, it's your social anxiety

Social anxiety is more than just feeling shy. It is “an intense and persistent fear of being watched and judged by others.” These feelings can come up when doing every-day activities such as going to a restaurant or going to the grocery store, speaking up in class or at a meeting, and involve the fear of being judged or being on display while being with others, by doing things like sharing your thoughts, answering a question or giving a presentation.

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Struggling with self-doubt? You're not alone.

Whether self-doubt is a major factor in your life or only a small issue every once in a while, it’s worth understanding what’s happening for you and how you can cope.

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, you may be experiencing symptoms of depression. Depression is usually characterized by a low mood, lack of interest, and a lack of personal care. But depression is not the only reason these symptoms could be showing up for you. These are also often symptoms of burnout. It’s important to understand the origins of your symptoms so that you can find matching solutions.

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Should I start therapy during the summer?

Most people who work with a therapist initiate contact when they are going through hard things.

When life gets tough, it makes sense that people seek additional support. Working with a therapist during life’s hard times can help people navigate stress, crisis, illness, major life transitions, etc. But most therapists know that the true healing work takes place once things have stabilized in the client’s life.

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Introverts and Extroverts Have Different Needs in Friendships

Do you consider yourself an extrovert? An introvert? Somewhere in-between?

Have you ever considered how this impacts your friendships? Of course, we are all unique individuals and no two people are the same. Logically, no two friendships are the same. But there are interesting differences in the ways that introverts and extroverts function in friendships that can help all of us understand our own needs and the needs of our friends.

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Cannabis and Mental Health - What we've learned

This month we have been focusing on Cannabis and Mental Health across our social media platforms, and also during our more informal chats with each other at everwell. If you’ve been following along then you might have noticed that the relationship between cannabis and mental health is anything but simple and one-size-fits-all. The anecdotal evidence and stories range from it being an amazingly helpful tool for mood stabilisation and sleep to it being a traumatic source of anxiety and ongoing mental health complications. The scientific research is not much different unfortunately.

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Re-building (or re-claiming) relationships after COVID

How are your relationships serving you? Are there changes that could allow these relationships to serve you better? What holds you back from making the changes that would allow your relationships to shine more light on your life as opposed to taking away your shine and joy? This reflection may take a while – these are hard questions to wrestle with – especially for people pleasers.

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How Pandemic Clutter Affects your Mental Health

Overnight, our homes became our offices, classrooms, playgrounds, spas, restaurants, movie theatres and whatever other function you had to fashion out of four walls. It’s now April 2022 and along with the flowers, new hope is budding. We are emerging from a 2-year hibernation, and we finally seem to have the space to look around and reassess our spaces.
Clearing the physical clutter and build-up can be an amazing nudge towards clearing out the mental clutter and mess that this pandemic has left in its wake.

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How to Deal with Back to School Anxiety

Starting or returning to school can be a fun, exciting, and anxious experience. Worries about school are normal and common but for some children, teens, and parents. But, too much worrying can cause a child to avoid making friends, attending class, or completing assignments and tests. When this begins to happen, here are some tips for parents.

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