Posts tagged Cancer
Cancer trauma: Recognizing the depths of the emotional impact

Cancer isn't just a disease; sometimes it can feel like a collection of traumatic experiences – from the stigma and misconceptions that surround it to the sheer terror of the unknown. It's a journey marked by loss – of health, of identity, of the illusion of invincibility. Yet within this, seeds of resilience can be sown, and from them can sprout moments of profound personal growth, illustrating the transformative power of post-traumatic growth, leading to newfound strength, purpose, and fortitude.

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Mental Health and Cancer: Nurturing the Inner Self During the Unseen Journey

As a cancer survivor, just hearing that six-letter word used to send a chill down my spine, stirring up feelings of fear, anxiety, and vulnerability. But here's the thing – it's because of these very emotions that we shouldn't shy away from talking about cancer. Changing the way we think and talk about this life-changing experience isn't just a good idea; it's crucial for our emotional well-being and overall healing journey.

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World Cancer Day: Five Things You Should Know

World Cancer Day is an important opportunity to reflect on how cancer has impacted our own lives, the lives of our loved ones and the lives of people within our community. Carly Fleming wanted to help raise awareness by writing this blog and sharing some of her experiences working with people affected by cancer. There are five things she wants you to know…

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