Cancer trauma: Recognizing the depths of the emotional impact

Cancer isn't just a disease; sometimes it can feel like a collection of traumatic experiences – from the stigma and misconceptions that surround it to the sheer terror of the unknown. It's a journey marked by loss – of health, of identity, of the illusion of invincibility. Yet within this, seeds of resilience can be sown, and from them can sprout moments of profound personal growth, illustrating the transformative power of post-traumatic growth, leading to newfound strength, purpose, and fortitude.

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Mental Health and Cancer: Nurturing the Inner Self During the Unseen Journey

As a cancer survivor, just hearing that six-letter word used to send a chill down my spine, stirring up feelings of fear, anxiety, and vulnerability. But here's the thing – it's because of these very emotions that we shouldn't shy away from talking about cancer. Changing the way we think and talk about this life-changing experience isn't just a good idea; it's crucial for our emotional well-being and overall healing journey.

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Internal Family Systems (IFS) and the Cancer Journey

Cancer can have a profound impact on one’s identity. From the outset, cancer confronts us with a loss of “normality.” Diagnosis often comes as a shock and life can grind to a halt. It can be helpful to consider this experience through the lens of ‘parts’ or ‘internal family systems’.

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