Posts in Neurodiversity
How Polyvagal Theory explains why we do what we do.

Sometimes we have responses that are just as quick when we experience a threat. Sometimes we call this a freeze response because our bodies may shut down or feel numb. In this state it is common to feel helpless, trapped, or depressed.

We also have a mammalian part of our brain which developed later. Polyvagal theory says the mammalian brain is responsible for things like co-regulation which means that how one mammal acts effects another.

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Executive Dysfunction - What is it and how do I manage it?

Society puts a lot of pressure on us to meet executive functioning demands. If we have a lot of these demands on us at work, for example, then we may not have the energy left over for this kind of functioning at home. When the dishes have piled up for 3 days and the laundry has sat in the washer overnight, plus maybe there was a conflict at work, or there is tension in a personal relationship, things can feel very overwhelming and frustrating.

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